Monticello Artisan Day
This Saturday, December 7th, 1-4 pm, Monticello is hosting their holiday Artisan Day, featuring Virginia handmade gifts, tastings, and...
Boxed Gift Sets in the Shop
Elegantly boxed gift sets, easily customizable with your favorite products from Pleasant View Soaps!
Colonial Bayberry Soap
Introducing...old-fashioned colonial New England bayberry soap! Made with authentic bayberry wax and essential oils, this refreshingly...
Slices of soap-making life
Whether I'm stirring up a batch of herbal spearmint soap, slicing fragrant lavender castile soaps, lining up rows of marbled salt soap to...
Lavender Castile
Traditional castile soap features the rich skin-conditioning qualities of pure olive oil and natural glycerin for an emollient, gentle,...
Elderberry Syrup for Colds and Flu
Elderberries are known to be a wonderful preventative and remedy for colds and flu. I have enjoyed experimenting by concocting this...
Beneficial Herbs for the Skin: Jewelweed
Time for a quicky botanical lesson! Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis), or Spotted Touch-Me-Not, is a leafy plant found plentifully near...
Rosemary's Ready
My hardy rosemary plant has stayed green all winter, but since we're expecting up to 20 inches of snow overnight through Wednesday, I...
The Lord by wisdom hath founded the earth
Before the mountains were settled, before the hills [Wisdom] was brought forth; while He had not yet made the earth and the fields...."...